Saturday, July 31, 2010

CSA harvest 7/31 - and a duck!

Here's what I got from my CSA this week!  I'm a member of The Full Plate Farm Collective, and I pick up my produce at one of the farms, so I get to pick and choose what I want.  This week's score was particularly colorful so I figured I'd take a few photos.  Maybe I'll make this a weekly thing.

  • 1 giant zucchini
  • 4 yellow summer squash
  • a "heaping quart" of green beans
  • a couple handfuls of carrots
  • 4 onions
  • 1 pound of tomatoes
  • a bunch of kale
  • probably too many Japanese eggplants
  • 1 head garlic

Can you believe I get that much awesome organic produce for around $20 a week?  

The green beans were an extra special surprise, since they weren't listed on the email.  I saw Tyler Florence make some roasted green beans with parmesan cheese this morning and thought "oh man, I wish I was getting green beans!"  And now I did.  =]

Here's a closeup of that zucchini, with my hand for reference.. it was at least twice the size of all the other zucchinis in the box, and I was so excited that I got it.  I'm not sure why, now that I think about it, I just found it amusing at the time.

Holding the Droid steady with one hand notsoez.
And because I'm obsessed with all things purple, a closeup of the eggplants.  They had no limit on them this week, so I grabbed 5.  Then a few minutes later I grabbed 3 more.  Finally, once I was done picking out everything else and was about to leave, I noticed more space in my bag and thought "OMG NEED MOAR EGGPLANT" so that's why I have 11 (eleven!) of them.

Mandy and J are visiting this weekend!  They're outside taking pictures of a deer and/or a cat right now.  We went to the Farmer's Market this morning, and this is my one and only purchase:

A whole duck!  It's organic, pasture-raised, and weighs 4.4 lbs.  I've never cooked duck before, but there was a really detailed guide in Martha Stewart Living a few months back that I tore out and saved, so I'll follow that and do my best.

1 comment:

  1. that produce looks fantastic! and be careful with the duck, i've never cooked one, but sounds like you'll get lots and lots and lots of grease.

